Counts in subtaiga
At Trehozerky
The preparing of refuge on at a pairing time of Capercaillie.2001. (The photo of A.Savchenko)
At a pairing time of Capercaillie.1999.
An observetion to the migration.2004.(The photo of I.Savchenko)
The catching of ducks for the marking on Inticol lake.1999. (The photo of A.Savchenko)
The transport of blood samples from wild birds.2006 (The photo of A.Kutynina)
The curator of Kansk group of areas - Belykov A.V. (The photo of A.Savchenko)
The catching of Sand Martin on the bank of Enisey, 2006 (The photo of G.Semenov)
In the laboratorical tent (The photo of A.Belykov)
Works on avian influenza at Kansk group of areas. Autumn 2006 (The photo of A.Belykov)