The methodological aspects of researches
Due to the fact that in the process of various endothermic vertebrates comparison the accordance by all variables is impossible, it is prospective to choose only the definite number of parameters and indicators that are isomorphous by this aggregate. We can suppose that one of the main characteristics of animals that we observe would permanence. The choice of permanence as an universal indicator of animal's likeness ( animals that belong to various systematic groups) is possible only when the following objectives are solved:
- to consider the collection of similar adaptations, that are peculiar to land vertebrals;
- to evaluate the significance of migratory ways that have been formed in the evolution process and concentration areas in order to preserve biological diversity and the resources of this animals' group;
- to study utilization possibilities of the permanence indicator as the main parameter of similarity of vertebrals that fly far while setting the regional, interregional and intergovernmental strategies on animals' preservation and efficient utilization.
The considerable number of variants of adaptations realization concerning the migration of various vertebrals species puzzles how to make the concrete choice within this set of variants about evolution outcome. Individual species that posses typical features can serve as heuristic patterns of optimal principles in the process of forming adaptation devices system. In order to optimize approaches on simplification of species researches and as a result of their unification while working up the evaluation methods of the animals' quantity by means of possible variants of its structure one needs to:
- to make up brief formal description of migratory situation in the region, that will further to apply the methods on optimization of the quantity reduction of possible structure variants; this procedure is of vital importance for solving practical tasks on efficient utilization of these variants
- to evaluate the possibility of optimization algorithm application in order to simplify the description of this phenomenon.
It is impossible to solve the mentioned objectives only in theory, that is why we carried out plenty of field examinations and tried to realize propositions by improving the normative-legal base and by introducing regulation system in in the process of illegal animals removal and application of methods directed on united system of OOPT within the region.
From the methodology point all superior permanent animals can be divided into: land animals that leave tracks ( it is a sufficient source of inormation); water and wetland animals that dont leave tracks. The distinctive feature of monitoring region is that migratory mammals except species of Chiroptera order are land animals. Natural and climate conditions didn't cause any special difficulties in tracks registration, that is why to investigate this group we based on conventional approaches that are common in hunting economy [25;26;27;28;45;67;82;83;137;140;159;169].
The species of Aves class and order Chiroptera of Mammalia class belong to land vertebrals that move in the air. As we have already mentioned above, no one of applied methods for this group meets the requirements of evaluation system of migratory streams [5;17;19;20;33;44;50;69;161;168]. With the help of various comparative registration methods it is possible to choose that ones that would reflect the quantity dynamics with minimum expenditures [65;90]. However, during calculation of removal quotas and realizing special measures on extinct species preservation it is necessary to set the counting point, so all attempts of zoologists to gain absolute indexes ( resources revelation) are completely justified. [13;14; 103;104;166].
As a matter of fact, during registration of birds passing by observers it is impossible to refrain from the repetition. Therefore , members of West-Siberia-Middle-Asia committee on migration research had to introduce the conception of flight in "general direction" that furthers to evaluate a migratory stream and as a result, the quantity of birds that fly in seasonal direction[18]. At the same time the general direction doesn't always fit the seasonal. There are several precise courses and trophic movements can often coincide with the general direction; this phenomenon have already become apparent in the zone of meridional zoogeographic border of Paleartic [42;118;124].
During the birds' migration observation within deserts and mountains of Middle Asia, the research group headed by V.R. Dolnik [35-38] based on his foreign experience concluded that birds fly mainly by wide fronts at night time, moreover they fly at a high altitude, therefore the information obtained during days' visual observations isn't always precise. R.E Moro [177] was the first to carry out evaluation of migratory birds that breed and hibernate in Africa. In the end of 1980 N.V Vinogradova while comparing the number of insectivorous birds passing by Kazahstan and Middle Asia at night time ( predominantly the results of moon observations) with the number of birds nesting in Siberia got convincing calculation data.
In addition to all advantages of moon observations ( the main one is that it is possible to carry out them in any spot of the region) it is necessary to emphasize that the method also yields satisfactory results for mass species that migrate by wide front and relatively homogeneous groups [5]].In the South Central Siberia these groups are mainly introduced by species of Passeirformes, Apodiformes, Cuculiformes orders. To evaluate a large number birds that migrate by dense groups ( Anseriformes, Gruiformes and the whole range of Charadriiformes species) the moon method is less effective.
Obviously, the information about main stops of migratory birds will help to detect their quantity by means of registration indexes summation but only when we know the average duration of stay time, in other words, we need to draw a diagram of flock "replacement". Our researches indicate that it is possible to solve this task only when there is a system of the sparrows and sandpipers catch. The second registration of birds been ringed before also furthers to carry out calculations according to the method, described by G. Koli [65], this is the reason why we used it as an extra regulation of obtained data. Moreover, we applied the method of part ratio of nesting species in their habitats to transit migratory birds. As a result, we evaluated resources of sandpipers that are regarded as fowling objects. To calculate nesting species we used the typological approach that admit the fact that definite type of habitat can have typical ornithological complex [99-104]. As model patterns we used the following species (with high correlation rate): Tringa ochorpus (0,84-1,0), Gallinago gallinago (0,86), for steppe and forest-steppe reservoirs - T.totanus (0,89) [166].
Due to the higher caution of Anseriformes species we didn't manage to differentiate migratory streams by catch results. For initial resources calculation of these birds (nesting and migratory) we employed the evaluation method of pattern species that is used in spring at the beginning of "waiting through" zone [113;116;117;121]. For air monitoring we used only those species that can be detected in a long distance: Anser Fabalis, Cygnus bewickii*, Anas acuta L. In conditions of land stationary monitoring we reported birds' behavior according to cumulative curves, that were of vital importance in tracking this migratory stream. Estonian ornithologists apply Analogous methods during the forming period of migratory accumulation [59]. Next calculations were carried by the method of part participation of pattern and other species; this method was carried out from permanent observation stations in the main flyway and stop areas.
The most precise evaluations of cranes' quantity in the region were obtained by air examination of the territory, basically,- for pre-migratory concentration areas detection ( according to U.E. Keiskpaik [59]- natural habitat mesostructure ). Next researches were carried out in the largest concentration areas in order to set the peak quantity o cranes in their permanent overnight stops. Within Altai-Sayan ecoregion 14 species of Chiroptera were detected [ 79; 80]. For the whole observation period in the south of Central Siberia more than 3000 birds of 9 species had been ringed [43;160]. We don't have any data of significant ( by length or quantity aspects) birds' transference, but admitting this possibility [55-57;63;70;71;91;92;149-151] we calculated also Cheiroptera species while carrying out night observations and in the process of birds' catch with the help of web nets.
Thus, the generated algorithm of migratory streams and quantity evaluation included the following obligatory procedures: the method of moon observations - for birds that migrate by wide fronts ( "sparrows") and at high altitude; the analysis of cumulative curves with the differentiation streams (according to systematic catch data) and the method of calculation in the breeding territories of typological species - for "sandpipers"; the model of accumulation area forming with the help of air registration ( in the period of peak birds' quantity) and the method of part evaluation- "geese"; the detection of natural habitat mesostructure with the further calculation in the permanent overnight stops.
We collected background indexes by means of visual-optical observations in different spots of migratory corridors. The obtained information was analyzed by computers and the obtained variants were classified according to the migratory species. These variants were regarded as data (classified according to the seasons and the year) about species category, quantity, density, daily rhythmics and flight altitude, that were obtained within the dominant migratory area. Then, we correlated this classification with the main flyway areas ( by analogy with evaluation of birds' population [49;100-103] and afterwards, we were detecting appropriate differences and density of migratory groups. To cover our objectives we eliminated particular and accidental features caused by breed effectiveness of some species and by the change of ecological conditions during one year.
Due to the fact that the meriodinal zoogeographic border of Pale Arctic crosses the Yenisey valley and therefore in the conditions of different methods of recent migratory ways forming, distribution system is extremely complicated, for some species - unique. The idealization of the phenomenological simulation approach [6] (that is common in biophysics of compound systems) is the most appropriate for the uniqueness problem solution.
The methods mentioned above are directed towards the detection of numerical migratory characteristics, and embrace the following objective: preservation and efficient utilization of local populations as well as population-operation groups of migratory animals within and out of the region. There is no doubt to say, that the telemetry can essentially expand and work out in details the obtained characteristics [7; 109;110; 146; 167], moreover, in animals' physiology and ethology study (in natural habitats conditions) telemetry method is the most important.
In conclusion, we should add that in Siberian conditions animals' marking with the help of satellite monitoring is applied in single cases [112;172]. This method is rather expensive therefore is used rarely even for the difficult species. Moreover, according to the obtained data, transference routes have some individual features that is why it is necessary to increase marking rate.
* The quantity of Anser anser, A. albifrones, Cygnus cygnus in "accumulation" zone according to data of many years usually doesn't exceed 3-5%[42;121].